The powder coating procedure entails the intensive use of equipment. When embarking on the search for a powder coating gun for sale, you should consider several factors. The selection is crucial as it has a direct impact on the profitability of your firm. You require a powder coating gun for the process of charging the powder electrostatically to ensure it adheres to the object until it gets to the oven and sprays the powder in a way that results in a uniform film of thickness.
In case you don’t use the right equipment and skills, here are some of the things likely to occur:
- Incur high costs of coating
- Achieve an uneven thickness of powder coating that increases the consumption of powder and creates rejection
- Challenges in making your targeted objects
- Difficulty in getting spares or high costs of buying the spares
With this in mind, you ought to analyze the available powder coating gun suppliers keenly in your areas. Not all the available powder-coated guns have all it takes to serve the function required. Look out for the following;
Consider your needs
Before spraying any parts, components, or equipment, the best powder gun should be chosen. The best case has a system that needs only a little manual touch-up. Corona charging guns are best for flat panels, tubes, or simple shapes, where penetration is needed. A corona charging gun with technological advancement is the best to recommend. In choosing from the available variety of systems, ensure your selection meets your powder coating needs. You may require different effects on your surface: opt for a gun that serves the rightful purpose. Failure to achieve penetration in some areas results in corrosion prematurely. You have an option of going for automatic spraying systems that entail the use of high amounts of powder and should be controlled to make sure there is full utilization of the system. The instruments used are vital in the production of constant quality.
Consider the possibility of wearing out
Wear is another primary factor that needs to be looked into. Large amounts of powder can result in stressing the parts of the gun. Use the right equipment and skills to achieve the right coating to extend the durability of the coating. The more the variety of the required accessories, the higher the flexibility and ability to undertake more tasks. Through this, you promote a higher return on your initial investment.
In the current aesthetically driven society, every aspect of your life must look as best as it can be. One way to achieve this is by powder coating. Rather than using solvent-based paint, powders electronically charged are sprayed on the surfaces and passed through the heat to produce a harder surface. This is the latest approach to come up with the right finishes on surfaces without the use of solvents.
You need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the selected supplier to guarantee the delivery of a profitable powder coating gun solution for your use. Ensure you go for a reliable gun in terms of choosing equipment that delivers uninterrupted powder coating for a low price of ownership.
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