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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Social Media

How To Increase Followers And Views On Instagram?


If you’re an Instagram user, you’ve probably wondered how to gain more followers and increase views on your content. With over one billion active users, Instagram is a powerful social media platform that can help you connect with your audience and build your brand. However, with so many users and so much content, it can be challenging to stand out and grow your following. 


We’ll share some practical tips and strategies like SMM Panel to help you increase your Instagram followers and views. Whether you’re an influencer, a business, or an individual looking to grow your Instagram presence, these tips will help you attract more followers and engage with your audience effectively. So, let’s get started!

10 tips to grow your real audience

Growing your audience on Instagram can be a challenge, especially with the ever-changing algorithms and increasing competition for attention. We’ll share three essential tips to help you grow your real audience on Instagram. 

Optimize Your Instagram Account:

The first step in growing your real audience on Instagram is to optimize your Instagram account. To do this, you need to create a strong profile that reflects your brand’s personality, vision, and values. Here are some tips to help you optimize your Instagram account:


  • Use a clear and recognizable profile picture that represents your brand.
  • Write a compelling bio that tells your audience who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you.
  • Use relevant keywords in your bio and username to help your profile appear in search results.
  • Use a consistent color palette and aesthetic to create a cohesive brand identity.
  • Use Instagram’s features such as stories, reels, and IGTV to showcase your brand’s personality and connect with your audience.
  • Use relevant and popular hashtags in your posts to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.

Keep A Consistent Content Calendar:

To keep your audience engaged, you need to provide them with regular updates. This is where a consistent content calendar comes in handy. A content calendar helps you plan and organize your content in advance, so you always have something to share with your audience. Here are some tips to help you create a consistent content calendar:


  • Define your content themes and categories to keep your posts organized and on-brand.
  • Determine the frequency of your posts and stick to a schedule that works for you and your audience.
  • Use analytics to understand your audience’s preferences and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Experiment with different types of content such as images, videos, stories, reels, and IGTV to keep your feed fresh and engaging.
  • Use tools such as Later, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to schedule your posts in advance, so you don’t have to worry about posting every day.

Schedule Instagram Posts In Advance:

Scheduling your Instagram posts in advance can save you time and help you stay consistent with your content calendar. It also allows you to focus on other aspects of your business without neglecting your Instagram presence. Here are some tips to help you schedule Instagram posts in advance:


  • Use Instagram’s built-in scheduling feature to schedule your posts directly on the app.
  • Use third-party scheduling tools such as Later, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to schedule your posts in advance.
  • Use Instagram’s insights to determine the best time to post for your audience and schedule your posts accordingly.
  • Experiment with different posting times and days to see what works best for your audience.
  • Always check your scheduled posts before they go live to ensure they are error-free and on-brand.

Engage With Customers, Brand Advocates, And Influencers:

One of the most effective ways to grow your real audience on Instagram is to engage with your followers, brand advocates, and influencers. Engaging with your audience helps you build relationships, increase brand loyalty, and attract new followers. Here are some tips to help you engage with your audience:


  • Respond to comments and direct messages promptly and authentically.
  • Use Instagram’s features such as polls, questions, and quizzes to engage with your audience.
  • Collaborate with brand advocates and influencers to reach a wider audience and gain credibility.
  • Host Instagram contests and giveaways to encourage engagement and attract new followers.

Avoid Fake Instagram Followers:

Fake Instagram followers might seem like a quick fix to boost your follower count, but they can harm your brand’s reputation and engagement rate. Fake followers don’t engage with your content, which reduces your reach and credibility. Here are some tips to avoid fake Instagram followers:


  • Don’t buy Instagram followers or use services that promise to increase your follower count.
  • Avoid using bots or automated services to like, follow, or comment on other accounts.
  • Use Instagram’s follower insights to identify and remove fake followers from your account.

Showcase Your Instagram Everywhere You Can:

To grow your real audience on Instagram, you need to promote your account everywhere you can. This includes your website, email signature, business cards, and other social media platforms. Here are some tips to showcase your Instagram account:


  • Add an Instagram icon and link to your website and email signature.
  • Include your Instagram handle on your business cards, flyers, and other promotional materials.
  • Promote your Instagram account on your other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Post Content That Followers Actually Want To See:

To keep your audience engaged, you need to post content that resonates with them. This means understanding your audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points. Here are some tips to post content that your followers actually want to see:


  • Use Instagram’s insights to understand your audience’s demographics, interests, and behavior.
  • Post content that aligns with your brand’s values and mission.
  • Use storytelling to create emotional connections with your audience.
  • Provide value through informative, educational, and entertaining content.
  • Experiment with different types of content such as images, videos, stories, reels, and IGTV to keep your feed fresh and engaging.

Make Meaningful Conversations With Your Audience:

To build a loyal following on Instagram, it’s essential to make meaningful conversations with your audience. You can do this by actively responding to comments, direct messages, and other interactions with your followers. Here are some tips to make meaningful conversations with your audience:


  • Respond to comments and direct messages promptly and genuinely.
  • Use Instagram’s features such as polls, questions, and quizzes to engage with your audience and encourage conversations.
  • Host Instagram Live sessions and ask your followers to participate in the discussion.
  • Create a community around your brand by sharing user-generated content and featuring your followers.

Find Hashtags Where Your Followers Hang Out:

Hashtags are a powerful tool to reach a wider audience on Instagram. However, it’s essential to use hashtags that are relevant to your niche and target audience. Here are some tips to find hashtags where your followers hang out:


  • Use Instagram’s search function to find relevant hashtags related to your brand and industry.
  • Look at the hashtags used by your competitors and industry leaders to get inspiration.
  • Use a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags to attract a diverse audience.
  • Create your branded hashtag and encourage your followers to use it.

Take Steps To Delight Your Instagram Followers:

Delighting your Instagram followers is the key to building a loyal and engaged community. You can do this by providing exceptional customer service, offering exclusive perks, and creating memorable experiences. Here are some tips to delight your Instagram followers:


  • Offer personalized discounts and promotions to your loyal followers.
  • Host Instagram-exclusive events such as product launches, giveaways, and live streams.
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand to create an emotional connection with your audience.
  • Use Instagram Stories to provide sneak peeks, tutorials, and other exclusive content.


Growing your real audience on Instagram requires a combination of strategies and tactics that focus on building genuine relationships with your followers. By optimizing your Instagram account, keeping a consistent content calendar, scheduling posts in advance, engaging with your audience, avoiding fake followers, showcasing your account, posting content that resonates with your audience, having meaningful conversations, using relevant hashtags, and delighting your followers, you can attract a loyal and engaged community that will support your brand in the long run. Remember to be authentic, provide value, and stay consistent with your efforts to see the best results.

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