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Friday, October 18, 2024

Benefits Of Supply Chain Automation For Transportation And Customers

Supply Chain Automation

Supply chain automation utilizes technology to track transportation fleets when entering and leaving a warehouse. An automated supply chain and logistics solutions ease the work of a professional driver, supply chain specialist, and logistics manager. Listed below are various benefits of an automated supply chain.

Improved Visibility Throughout The Shipment Journey

The traditional system of paper documenting freight shipments and processing is time-consuming. Keeping manual logs to record shipment details creates a barrier between the manufacturer and the customer due to a lack of information visibility and proper communication channels. Automation of supply chain solutions ensures the customer has access to shipment details across various journey stages. Truck drivers use an electronic logbook and work only during service hours. A digitalized tool enables check-in on check-out to ensure secure shipment. An automated logistics system assists drivers in tracking the number of trucks waiting pit stops to prevent delays.

Improved Quality Control

Companies with greater control over direct suppliers benefit from improved quality control. Some companies may request periodic audits and documentation verification of suppliers’ compliance steps. Implement a Management Operating System for key performance indicator monitoring, including.

  • On-time delivery
  • Time for complaint resolution
  • Scrap rates and similar issues at suppliers
  • Final product quality as received by end customers

Speed And Scalability

Automated systems enable quicker results for both customers and freight carriers. Powerful software and tools enable clients to be managed effectively in a system with zero errors. A computer system helps consolidate all freight invoices into one, making the Finance Controller’s job easier.

Higher Efficiency Rates

Establishing real-time data on the manufacturing delays and availability of raw materials is essential. Implementing backup plans and sourcing materials from a backup supplier is crucial to prevent further delays.

Supply chain automation positively impacts the surroundings as eliminating paper print reduces the manufacturer’s carbon footprint. Use integrated GPS tracking systems to track the order status, condition, quality, returns, and driver safety.

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