According to Handy, there are numerous benefits for businesses to go green and it is easy to adopt such an approach by incorporating inexpensive changes. Going green helps to improve the business reputation, get tax credits, save money, and create a healthier work environment. It’s a great way to improve employee morale and strengthen the loyalty of your existing customers.
Tips & Tricks
Here are a few tips you may follow to make your business go green:
- Conserve energy – Conserving energy is one of the first steps to going green. Thus, it is important to analyze the energy usage in your office and take steps to reduce energy consumption by working more efficiently. For instance, turning off electronics when they are not in use and utilizing the natural light near windows is a great way to reduce energy consumption.
It is also a good idea to invest in energy-efficient appliances that have a built-in sleep mode functionality. Additionally, switching to LED lighting also helps a lot.
- Invest in renewable energy – Switching to renewable energy sources helps to reduce the carbon footprint of your business and is a worthwhile investment in the long run. For instance, you may install solar panels to generate electricity and heat water, use wind energy, or even switch to geothermal heating systems. The expenses can be used to get tax write-offs which could be invested further.
- Reduce paper usage – The use of paper has increased a lot since the last few decades. However, it doesn’t make sense to use paper in the modern era when you can simply store files and other information digitally. It is better to store information on hard drives or even clouds instead of producing physical copies that waste space. At the very least, it is better to use recycled paper and recycle it after use to create a more sustainable environment.
- Use green office supplies – Environmentally friendly office supplies include rechargeable batteries, reusable water bottles, reusable ink cartridges, LED light bulbs, recycled products, and other such items. This not only helps to save money but always reduces non-biodegradable waste. Reduce or eliminate the usage of plastic and switch to natural and environmentally friendly supplies and products.
- Create a green kitchen – Office kitchens can become dirty and environmentally unfriendly without proper care. Avoid single-use items such as plastic straws, plastic plates, plastic cups, napkins, K-cup coffee pods, straws, etc. List rules for recycling kitchen waste and set up a compost system to put it to better use.
- Work with sustainable vendors – Consider partnering with green vendors that avoid excessive packaging, produce recyclable items, and manufacturer products that are environmentally friendly, can be recycled, and are easy to repair.
Handy believes that it is important to let your employees know what’s at stake and get them all on board in the process of making your business go green. Without proper understanding and collective effort, it would be more difficult to go green.